One Pan Brazilian Aubergine Bake

One Pan Brazilian Aubergine Bake

Our One Pan Brazilian Aubergine Bake is packed full of veggie goodness and Brazilian flavour. All the flavour, with none of the fuss.


Capsicana Brazilian Wrap Cooking Paste

2 aubergine

1 tin chickpeas

1 onion, chopped

Handful tomatoes

100g kale

Fresh coriander

150ml natural yoghurt


  1. Preheat the oven to 180C fan.
  2. In a large oven dish mix 1 tin of chickpeas with 1 tbsp oil and half a pack of cooking paste (saving the rest for later). Scatter in the chopped onions, peppers and tomatoes and set the tray aside.
  3. Combine 2 tbsp oil with the remaining cooking paste to make a Brazilian marinade for the aubergines.
  4. Use a sharp knife to slice/hasselback the aubergines lengthways, then generously coat the aubergines in the marinade and add to the tin.
  5. Cook for 30 minutes in the oven, stirring the chickpeas halfway.
  6. Add the kale to the tin, with a small drizzle of oil and a pinch of salt, then cook for a final 10 minutes in the oven until the kale is crispy and the aubergines are nicely softened.
  7. Combine the natural yoghurt with a handful of fresh coriander, a pinch of salt and a crack of pepper, use this to dress the aubergine for serving.
One Pan Brazilian Aubergine Bake